Black Lives Matter

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Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a social justice movement founded on social media in the Summer of 2013, immediately following the acquittal of neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman on charges related to the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. The acquittal was seen by many as indicative of a pervasive disregard for the lives of black people in the United States and especially in the criminal justice system.

The organization began as a vocal, online protest incorporating the "#BlackLivesMatter" as a hashtag on Twitter, Facebook and other platforms. It was initiated by community organizers Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, who knew each other through involvement in the group "Black Organizing for Leadership & Dignity" (BOLD). Garza's posting, ""A Love Note to Black People", was shared using the hashtag and set forth the basic premise that the lives of African Americans are consistently undervalued by American society and its institutions. Much of the movement's attention has focused on the issue of racial bias with regard to police brutality. As such, many of the movement's largest protests have been staged in direct response to police shootings of African Americans. Black Lives Matter protests have often involved confrontational tactics, such as blockading public streets or staging "die ins", in which protesters feign death, at public events or crowded spaces.

The rapid spread of the hashtag as an online meme made it a rallying cry for hundreds of real-world protests and demonstrations. Initially these were organized independently, encompassing a wide range of beliefs and demands that could be loosely united under the Black Lives Matter slogan. Soon Garza, Cullors and Tometi launched a "Black Lives Matter Network" that provided a forum for organizers and allies and set forth statement of shared principles and goals. The website explains that "#BlackLivesMatter is an online forum intended to build connections between Black people and our allies to fight anti-Black racism, to spark dialogue among Black people, and to facilitate the types of connections necessary to encourage social action and engagement." As "chapters" of the movement organized in various cities, the founders explicitly declined to "police" the degree to which their beliefs and goals were in full agreement with the national network. Membership requirements are left to individual chapters.

The phrase has also provoked backlash from critics and from people concerned for the safety of law enforcement officers. The phrases or hashtags "All Lives Matter" and "Police Lives Matter" have been used in opposition to "Black Lives Matter", prompting public debates about the motivations and racial attitudes of various activists. References to the movement and its concerns played a role in the 2016 presidential campaign, and activists affiliated with the movement interrupted several campaign events for various candidates and staged a large rally that prompted the cancellation of a planned event for Republican candidate Donald Trump in Chicago, Illinois.

Birmingham chapter

The Black Lives Matter - Birmingham Chapter was organized by Cara McClure and is affiliated with the Black Lives Matter Network. Another group, called Black Lives Matter - Magic City Chapter, is not affiliated with the national organization.


External links

[Category:Civil rights activists]]