Judge Roy Moore is Coming to Dinner

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Judge Roy Moore is Coming to Dinner is a 2004 political satire written for the stage by Tom Wofford.

The play is about two gay men who decide to marry in California and return home to Alabama to tell their families. Laced throughout the performance are quotes from Moore's concurring opinion in D.H. vs. H.H., a 2002 child custody dispute case that Moore presided over. Judge Moore, though he had not seen the play, in 2004 issued a statement condemning it as the "result of federal activism in our court system" and saying that same-sex marriage corrupts American society.

The production was revived at the Virginia Samford Theatre in May 2006 during Moore's campaign for the Republican nomination for Governor of Alabama. It was revived again in October 2012 at the Carver Theater by the Actor's Theatre of Alabama during Moore's campaign for his former post of Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.
