Birmingham Musicians' Protective Association

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The Birmingham Musicians' Protective Association (American Federation of Musicians Local 256-733) is a labor union representing professional musicians across North Alabama. Its offices are located at 708 37th Street South. Adam Pandolfi is the current president. The local has approximately 161 members, including musicians employed by the Alabama Symphony Orchestra. Its operations are supported by members' annual dues.

Birmingham's Local No. 256 was chartered on December 11, 1902. During enforced segregation, it excluded Black musicians. In 1939, after being invited to address the 44th Annual Convention of the American Federation of Musicians (AFM) in Kansas City, Missouri, bandleader and educator Fess Whatley organized a separate Local No. 733. That organization kept offices in the Colored Masonic Temple.

The two locals were merged in 1969.


  • Banks, Richard (September 8, 2022) "Musicians say The World Games is shorting their payment for performances during the opening and closing ceremonies."

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