Birmingham career academies

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Birmingham's career academies are six "small learning communities" organized within six of Birmingham's high schools in Fall 2011. The academies are intended to provide students with practical training alongside general academics, preparing them to enter the work force or continue study in college. The program was created under the guidance of Superintendent Craig Witherspoon as part of his efforts to increase academic performance and provide opportunities that would lure families back to the school system.

The following career academies were created initially:

  • "Academy of Engineering" at Carver High School (electronics, biotech, aerospace, civil engineering, and architecture)
  • "Academy of Health Science" at Carver High School and Jackson-Olin High School (anatomy, physiology, therapeutic services)
  • "Academy of Architecture and Design" at Huffman High School (technical drawing and construction)
  • "Academy of Urban Educators" at Parker High School (teaching courses, including internship)
  • "Academy of Hospitality and Tourism" at Wenonah High School (hotel, sports, and event management, with geography, economics and world cultures)
  • "Academy of Business and Finance" at Woodlawn High School (banking, credit, financial planning, international finance, securities, insurance, accounting and economics)

In general, students living in each district would continue to attend their district high school. Students with a desire to specialize in a program offered at another school would be allowed to transfer. Ramsay High School would remain a magnet school focusing on a college prep curriculum.


  • Leech, Marie (May 14, 2011) "Birmingham schools to convert six of its seven high schools to career academies." Birmingham News
BCS small logo.png Birmingham High Schools

Carver High School | Jackson-Olin High School | Huffman High School | Parker High School | Ramsay High School | Wenonah High School | Woodlawn High School