Cliff's Clubhouse
Cliff's Clubhouse, later Cartoon Clubhouse, The Popeye Show and Popeye & the Three Stooges, was a locally-produced children's television program hosted by Cliff Holman. It debuted on WABT-TV (Channel 13) in 1956 after Ward's Bakery ended its sponsorship of Tip-Top Clubhouse and Bill Wright left his position as host of Circle Six Ranch. The re-imagined show ran for a full half-hour with a variety of sponsors including 7-Up soda and Double Bubble gum.
Holman updated his clown-inspired outfit into a more respectable suit and tie. His appearances bookended the broadcast of syndicated cartoon shorts from Terrytoon and Famous Studios. In 1958 WAPI acquired the rights to Popeye cartoons and the show's set was remodeled into a wharf-side theme and Holman added a yachtsman's cap to his blue blazer. In 1960 the show added "The Three Stooges" shorts to its lineup. The program continued, strongly associated with Jack's Hamburgers, until 1969 when Holman left for Anniston's WHMA-TV.
- Hollis, Tim (March 1991) Cousin Cliff: 40 Magical Years in Television. Birmingham: Campbell's Publishing. ISBN 0962879800
- Hollis, Tim (2001) Hi There Boys and Girls: America's Local Children's TV Programs. University Press of Mississippi. ISBN 1578063965