The Daily Age
The Daily Age, also known as The Birmingham Age, was a "daily" newspaper published in Birmingham by the Iron Age Publishing Company from December 3, 1881 to November 1888.
The paper was launched as a simple, four-page paper published six days a week (every morning except Monday). Birmingham Iron Age publishers W. C. Garrett and Frank V. Evans announced the new paper in the December 1 edition of the Iron Age. A yearly subscription cost $10, but the first edition was distributed for free.
Finding it impossible for the WEEKLY IRON AGE to accommodate our numerous and liberal advertising patrons, and at the same time present an amount of reading matter satisfactory to our readers, and keep squarely up with the daily passing events, the proprietors announce that the first issue of THE DAILY AGE will appear SATURDAY morning, the 3d day of December. To begin its career the DAILY will be only a twenty-column paper—five columns to the page,—and its growth and prosperity will of course depend upon the practical encouragement extended the enterprise by the businessmen of Birmingham and vicinity.
By 1884 the Daily Age and Weekly Iron Age were edited by James Watkins and Robert Watkins, with W. C. Garrett as business manager. Their offices were located on the southwest corner of 19th Street and 2nd Avenue North, opposite the Peerless Saloon. By 1887, the paper had expanded to eight pages six days per week and twelve to sixteen pages on Sundays.
The Birmingham Iron Age (referred to as the Weekly Iron Age above) continued separate publication until at least 1888. On November 8, 1888, The Daily Age and merged with The Daily Herald to form The Birmingham Age-Herald.
- Birmingham Newspapers archive at Birmingham Public Library Digital Collections