UA Local 91
UA Local 91 is a local union affiliated with the United Association, and is the oldest active labor union in Birmingham. It was first organized in 1892, and was formally chartered in April 1899 as a local of what was then known as the United Association of Journeymen Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, and Steam Fitters' Helpers.
The local was successful in demanding shorter workdays and good wages from its members' employers, the master plumbers and fitters. In April 1903 the Local's 50 members were working 8-hours on weekdays and 7 hours on Saturdays. They earned $4 per day and were paid time and a half for overtime and double for Sundays and four holidays. In August 1904 the local hosted the National Convention for the United Association of Plumbers, Gas and Steamfitters in Birmingham.
In the early years, Local 91 met at the Labor Temple Hall on 21st Street at 2nd Avenue North or the Eagles' Lodge. In 1942 the Local secured its own meeting hall, the Plumbers and Steamfitters Building at 419½ 21st Street North.
Since the 1940s the local members have been meeting on the first and third Friday of each month. UA Local 91 maintains a comprehensive training program for apprentices. The current union hall and training center is located at 3648 9th Avenue North.
External links
- UA Local 91 website
- The Story of UA Local 91, the Oldest Union in Birmingham Alabama on